6. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Corpse pose is the traditional final resting pose of yoga practice. You can let your breath return to normal in this pose.

  • Lie back on the mat.

  • Hug your knees in towards your chest tightly and take a deep inhale.

  • Exhale and stretch your legs out away from you while keeping your tailbone grounded on the mat.

  • Your feet should be hips width apart and relaxed away from each other, toward the edges of the mat.

  • Let your lower back soften and relax. You should not feel any pain or tightness in your lower back.

  • Relax your arms at your sides, palms facing upward.

  • Check to make sure your shoulders are not hunched, and, if so, relax your shoulders away from your ears.

  • Optional: Place a folded towel over your eyes to block out any light.


5. Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani )


Ārya Tārā