Bikram Express

What is Bikram yoga?

Bikram is the name of founder of hot yoga.

He was the first person who introduced hot yoga to the world in the 1970s.

The room for practicing Bikram is heated to 40 degrees and around 50% humidity.

Therefore we call Bikram yoga, HotYoga or original hot yoga.

This type of hot yoga is a series of 26 postures  and two breathing exercises, suitable for all ages and skill levels.

These 26 postures systematically move fresh and oxygenated blood throughout the body.

All the organs, glands, tendons, ligaments, bones, and all the cells of your body, your emotions, your mind and your spirit are involved in this practice.

The heat helps our body to burn fat more effectively and tone the muscular structure.

Sweating also helps elimination of toxins through our skin which is the largest organ of the body.

In Bikram Yoga there are no levels. No matter the physical condition, age or gender.

Hot yoga helps us to have a healthy body, which allows us to be at peace and ready for spiritual growth and the realization of personal happiness.

These postures are designed to provide total health through balance and strengthening of all body systems, with the aim of preventing disease, injury and limiting the effects of aging.

These series of postures combines abilities of concentration, patience, determination and self-control, which lead to increase clarity, increase self-confidence and vitality.


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