Spring Cleanse
We are celebrating March 20th at Hot Yoga Stavanger.
March 20th is the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere as the day and night are equal in length. This is my favourite time of the year as it brings an exciting energy of growth, renewal, and change, not to forget this time of the year has a great impact on our health as a gentle spring detox can help us to balance our hormones, release toxins, and kickstart our metabolism coming out of the winter months.
In the winter our body just try to preserve and maintain itself but as spring arrives snow melts and new life sprouts up through the earth there is growth and transformation all around us and the nature of our body wants to join this renewal, and therefore this is the best time to start cleansing.
The easiest way to start is to stop eating junk foods and pre made dishes and instead eat more berries and leafy green vegetables. Next to that sweating and regular practice of hot yoga have a critical role in cleansing the body following by drinking plenty of natural vegetables and fruit juice .
If you are experiencing some of these symptoms it means your body needs help with detoxification:
Sleep disorder
Acne, eczema or skin rashes
Gallstones or difficulty digesting fats
Constipation or diarrheas
Sensitivity to smells, also known as multiple chemical sensitivity
Low sex drive
Hair thinning or loss
Poor concentration or memory
Slow metabolism and weight gain
Women: Breast tenderness and/or irregular or heavy periods
However we don’t need to wait for these symptoms to arise before doing our first cleanse! Spring is the prime time to start performing the “annual maintenance” through a gentle spring detox.